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The Court of Virtues is a collection of twelve races devoted to the ideals of valor, justice, honor, and righteousness. With their combined efforts, they strive to protect all manner of peace throughout Xandara. They value their virtues above all else, as they believe them to be the cure for all evil and the solution to every conflict. There are twelve virtues of vitality that were divided amongst the races, they are- discipline, honesty, kindness, loyalty, mercy, patience, peace, perseverance, pride, self-control, service, and wisdom. With each race representing a virtue, they can work together to create a safe and unified world. Their hope for a brighter future sheds light in even the darkest reaches of Xandara, but they know the dangers that lurk there. With one of the strongest armies amongst the courts, and the most powerful Aether hidden within their gates, they battle and extinguish any threats that cross their path. While world-wide peace is their ultimate goal, they put the protection of their Aether before anything else. The Court of Virtues holds a very unique way of life. The races that call it home are almost completely divided, having their own customs, traditions, and laws (though the court still shares a few laws as a whole). However, the people are united because they share the same ideals, morals, and standards of living. They respect each other's differences while co-existing in harmony. This gives the court a strength unmatched by many others, and provides diverse perspectives that enrich their government decisions.   





Countless moons ago, when the planet was new and the magic untamed, the wilds of Xandara were filled with chaos and danger. The unpredictable nature made it hard for the first Primordials to maintain life, though they learned how to master the unruly environment over time. While they relied on their physical strengths at first, those who discovered the use of magic revolutionized their survival. Not only did they realize they could ease their way of life, but those with great ambitions learned that they could control the very world around them. As they discovered each element of magic, they discovered new ways to manipulate the elements of Xandara. Soon they could control where the trees grew, where the rain fell, and where the light beckoned. As their knowledge progressed, so did their power, but nothing could have prepared them for the discovery of Matter. It was the last and final natural element of magic, but held a power they never could have imagined. With its magic, they were able to control the very ground they walked upon. Where they willed… the rivers ran, the mountains rose, the tundras swirled, and the deserts reigned. 


They could manipulate the dirt, the sand, the rocks, the water, the air, anything that they could see or touch. The planet was theirs to build, and they became its very architects. It was a power not easily learned, but could easily be abused. In the hands of corrupt ambitions, the magic was used to build something dark and unnatural, and in the end, it aided in The Fall. The architects that survived came together, knowing that it would be their duty to guard the magic they had once used to build the world that now lay in ruins. When the Aethers were found, and The Divide began, the architects took the Aether of Matter, vowing to keep it out of unworthy hands. Some had pleaded with them to use its magic, to rebuild their fractured and broken world, but they refused. Instead, they renounced their magic, and declared that it would never be used to manipulate the planet ever again. They did not fear its power, they feared the people that could use it to destroy the world beyond repair. So while the races divided, and the courts were being created, the architects decided to form a court of their own; a court that would fight evil, nurture peace, and bring order. Thus, the Court of Virtues began.




The Court is widely controlled by the Pillars of Virtue, a council made of twelve representatives, (one of each race in the court). The Pillars of Virtue handle all political aspects of the court, but work in accordance with the Keepers of Aether, or rather, the Council of Magic. The Council of Magic is made up of six individuals, (one from each court), and are responsible for regulating the magic that their respective court protects. They typically hold such membership for the duration of their lifespan. The successors for these members are determined differently by each court based on their cultures and traditions. For the Court of Virtues, such a position is given based on majority vote and approval within the Pillars of Virtue. It is believed that a representative of the Court of Virtue's magic Aether in the Council of Magic should have all twelve attributes of virtue itself, therefore making that individual the embodiment of perfection in their eyes. The Pillars of Virtue follows a strict election system, where each member serves one-hundred years. The elections traditionally take place soon after the Centenary Ceremony of Acceptance. Citizens are only allowed to vote for electors if they have completed the ceremony, and are only allowed to vote for representatives within their own respective race.


Guardians of Matter

Court of Virtues


Races Within the Court of Virtues




Bound to the magic they were born into, players who choose a race within the Court of Virtues will only be able to learn the Aether of Matter during their storyline.

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