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"The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly."

The Aerovian are a people born with wings that resemble those of various species of birds, including eagles, hawks, and owls. Depending on their species, their builds might be smaller or bigger. For example, hawk Aerovians are smaller than eagle Aerovians, but they can fly much faster, but they are not as strong. However all Aerovians possess a formidable strength and agility that rivals the Aarakocra, and their mastery of flight makes them a force to be reckoned with in battle. They are able to soar high above the world and observe things from a different angle, giving them a great understanding of their surroundings. They use this to their advantage, and almost never get lost, when they're flying at least. Despite their physical prowess, the Aerovians are best known for their values of kindness, virtue, and compassion. They believe in treating others with respect and understanding, and they value justice and fairness above all else. They are known for their strong moral code and their willingness to help others in need, no matter the cost. Due to their values of kindness and virtue, they are often sought after by other races when needing refuge. The Aerovians are fiercely independent and value their freedom above all else. They are a proud people, and are often quick to defend their honor and their beliefs. Despite their independence, they are also very social creatures, and they enjoy spending time with others of their kind. They will typically build villages in trees, finding it to be far safer and more comfortable. They will teach their young to fly by jumping off the tall branches of their home trees. It is considered taboo for Aerovians to choose to be with someone outside their species, meaning it is frowned upon should an owl Aerovian fall in love with a dove Aerovian. 


Their appearance is very similar to humans, though they have wings that can grow up to 27 feet long for males and 23 feet long for females. Their feather patterns are determined by what race of bird they derive from, with natural colored hair, eyes, and skin. They also have rounded ears like a human, but can sometimes grow feathers on the tips.


Race Classification:



Life Span: 420 Years


Court Symbol:

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