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Roleplay is a huge part of Exodus, so we have added this page to specify all the rules, do's and don'ts, and various restrictions regarding your RP, to help keep the experience great for everyone!

Roleplay Formatting

1. When talking out of character, use "((text))" to indicate such. Example-​

- *Trawnin takes another sip of his ale, ignoring the brawl raging behind him. The dwarf rubs his temples, the noise from the fighting orcs giving him a headache.* ((Sorry I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom!))


2. If you are roleplaying alone (either with an npc, family of character, or friend of character), separate their dialogue by starting a new line of chat. Example-

- *Kalon smiled as he waved goodbye to his mother. He was sad to travel so far away from home, but he was at least glad he would be accompanied by Grobal, his best friend.*

    "I hope we don't encounter anything bigger than a raptor. I don't think my nerves could handle that today." *The small goblin shuttered at the thought as he readjusted the pack on his shoulder.*

    "You should probably embrace the possibility. There aren't exactly safe trails to follow in these woods." *Kalon chuckled as he patted his friend on the back, excited for the journey ahead.*


3. Based on the example above, please use quotations when a character is speaking, and use *text* when a character is engaging in an action. Doing so will make the text italic on the discord.

Social Roleplay Rules

1. You cannot declare your character to know someone without permission from the other person. Along with that, you cannot declare your character to share history or a background with someone else's character without said owner's permission.


2. You cannot control someone else's character when you are engaging in conversation or battle. Example-

*Varox charged at his opponent so quickly that it didn't give Draeg time to react, causing the orc to get impaled in the stomach.*


3. You cannot control a conversation or be the center of attention. That's just obnoxious and rude.


4. You cannot interrupt someone else's roleplay without their permission. Ask if you can join using the ((out of character)) symbols, or privately message them.


5. Please be patient with players new to RP, and don't tease or bully anyone whose RP skills aren't as strong as yours. Everyone is at different stages in their learning, and it's very hurtful and discouraging when made fun of.


6. Roleplaying on the Ark server is different. You don't need to follow the RP formatting, but it is preferred you keep in character, and use the "((text))" when talking out of character.

Battle Roleplay Rules

1. No godmodding (ie: being invincible, overpowered, untouchable, etc.)


2. No controlling other people's attacks.


3. You cannot use extreme attacks without the permission of the other character's owner (ie: cutting off someone's head, losing limbs, making them bleed out, etc.)


4. You may only make ONE attack at a time to give the other person a chance to respond.


5. You MUST take damage at some point. 

General Roleplay Rules

1. Do not GodMod

- GodModding is when a character features god-like abilities such as invincibility, OP strength/speed, flying without a mount, etc.


2. Do not Meta-Game

- Mega gaming is when a player applies out-of-character retrieved information to their in-character. An example is if you saw two people roleplaying with each other, and you learn something about those characters. You then use this information in future roleplaying with these people, even though your character has never met them and/or hasn't discovered that information yet.



- We cannot stress this rule enough. Lore-breaking is when a player breaks the set lore by giving their character an origin story that contradicts known historical events, (ie: coming from a different world/universe, being related to admin characters, having your character be from the Island or Crystal Isles, etc.), or making your character a race that is not listed in the discord.


4. Do Not Power-Play

- Power-playing occurs when a player operates someone else's character without the other player's consent, especially in a way that doesn't accurately represent their character. The most blatant examples of this would be a player writing *Your character falls off the cliff when he/she reaches the edge because of clumsiness,* or *Your character is allured by my character's charm and falls in love.* Not only is this not fair to the other player, but it's also extremely rude. This is because it disrespects the other person's created character, and you have no right to control something that you didn't design. Another part of Power-Playing is operating someone's character in your own roleplay without the presence of the person who created them. This is very rude for obvious reasons.


5. Win Some and Lose Some

- Nothing is more annoying than roleplaying with someone who doesn't accept defeat or allow their character to take damage. The great thing about Xandara is the ability to respawn, so embrace the possibility of death and allow your character to lose a fight. Something that can help this is sending a private message to the person you're roleplaying with, and decide before hand who the winner and loser will be. Otherwise, in most cases, winning a battle is based on your roleplaying skills. If your opponent is more descriptive, uses proper format, and seems more experienced in combat, you should consider accepting defeat. This is in the roleplay sense, obviously the case is different if in a pvp situation on the ark server. At that point it's just whoever kills the other person wins.


6. Roleplay at Proper Times

- This is more of a courtesy rule, but there are right times to roleplay and there are wrong times to roleplay. The right times are when you actually HAVE the time. It's not fun roleplaying with someone who takes ages to reply because they're busy. So please keep this in mind when deciding to engage in RP with someone, and plan your sessions accordingly. 


7. Give Warnings

- This is an 18+ RP Server. There will be content such as, but not limited to, foreplay, gore, violence, suggestive nudity, and strong language. All channels will be NSFW flagged, so please be aware of this when entering them. We ask that you be mature and respect fellow players. Any sexual content must show some sort of consent from the opposite party. Should members break this rule, you have two chances before you are permanently banned!

First offense= Warning

Second offense= Soft Ban from Discord

Third and final offense= Permanent Ban from Server and Discord

Another rule we want to strongly remind you of is to GIVE WARNINGS when your RP has sensitive topics or triggers. Please do NOT roleplay sexual kinks such as incest, rape, or necrophilia. Having rape or incest in your character's backstory is allowed, as long as a trigger warning is provided at the beginning of your story, and there aren't any strong details. That is the only time those topics may be mentioned. Disobeying this rule will result in immediate ban. This is your ONLY warning.

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