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Grand Canyon


"Intelligence without wisdom brings destruction..."

The Owlin of Xandara are a wise and mysterious race, known for their keen intellect and affinity for magic. Owlin are creatures of the night, and many of them live in secluded forests or hidden caves, where they can study the stars and practice their magic in peace. They are highly intelligent, with a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge that drives them to explore the world around them. Despite their peaceful nature, Owlin are not to be underestimated in battle. They are skilled in the use of magic, and their spells often have a subtle, hypnotic quality that can confuse and disorient their enemies. They are also adept at using their wings to fly and evade attacks, and can strike with deadly accuracy using their sharp talons and beaks. Owlin society is highly structured, with the oldest and most powerful Owlin being revered as wise elders, which are also the beings most commonly voted as their race's representation in the Court of Virtue's government. While they do value knowledge like those in the Court of Veils, the Owlin believe that knowledge should be used as a tool for preserving balance rather than a utility for arrogant creations. It is because of this that they have been entrusted by their court to guard and maintain sacred historical texts and the secrets of their world's history in their athenaeums. With the world's history safely in their claws, they are capable of guiding and advising their court towards a better future.


Their appearance are humanoid in shape, with feathered wings and large, expressive eyes that seem to glow in the dark. Their feathers range in color depending on the species of owl they derive from, and their wingspan can vary from a few feet to over ten feet in length.


Race Classification: Ancient 


Life Span: 490 Years


Court Symbol:

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