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PvP Rules and Guidelines

First and foremost, Exodus has three main rules regarding all PvP within the cluster.

#1. All PvP must be initiated by roleplay before taking place.

#2. Do not KOS. senseless PvP is not allowed, all fighting must have reason.

#3. Offline PvP is forbidden under all circumstances.

With that being said, there are three categories of PvP within Exodus, there is the general open-world combat, the settlement wars, and the criminal acts. Lets dive further into each category and discuss the rules within each.

Open World PvP

This is a general form of combat between players. Things that fall under this category include bounty hunting, bar fights, brawls, heated arguments, and any other fight that's more "spur of the moment". These forms of combat are not planned, but happen due to random in-game interactions that have led to conflict (aside from bounty hunting). Here are the rules for these encounters:

1. There Must Be a Reason.
- Even if your character is drunk in a tavern and decides to throw a punch, this classifies as a valid initiation for PvP, as long as it is roleplayed first.
2. Roleplay Roleplay Roleplay
- I know we sound like a broken record here, but do not engage in a fight unless it is roleplayed first. Don't go around KOS'ing or picking meaningless fights cause you're bored. Follow this rule or suffer the consequences. 
3. Tames Are Not to be Used
- When it comes to these smaller PvP encounters, it is strictly fists or blades in hand. Tames are not allowed to be used to fight or kill, (use of tames to knockout someone can be done within reason.) 
4. Explosives Are Not Allowed
- They are not needed in these encounters, and it would cause unnecessary damage. Nobody just throws a grenade at someone over a spilled drink or verbal insult.

Settlement Wars

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