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Court of Roses




Those who give loyalty and life to the Court of Roses have a unifying desire to protect the nature of this planet. Using the Aether they defend, they task themselves with preserving its balance by healing the flora, protecting the fauna, and monitoring the light of Xandara. Using the combined abilities of the races within the Court, and the strength of their magic, they have managed to keep darkness at bay. Despite such a demanding responsibility, the Court of Roses remain a cheerful and lighthearted people. Their culture spreads across Xandara like an infectious smile, bringing lively music, colorful arts, and hearty meals.  Like the trees that whisper to their elders, this court stands firm and immovable in their strength and beliefs. While some expect these people to be mostly peaceful, many remain as wild and untamed as the jungles and forests they call home. They are as reliable as the seasons and as unpredictable as the wind. Some will welcome outsiders with joyful intent, while others will lure them with sweet music and toxic drink to steal their property, or the very breath from their lungs. Such aggressive encounters are not frequent, but known enough by all to cause caution when entering their lands.


The Court of Roses is popular for their incredible farming capabilities, providing the majority of other courts with fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and roots within the world market. However, due to the current war between them and the Court of Veils, their harvests have been less fruitful. This has caused many food shortages across the courts, forcing many individuals to learn how to farm for themselves, or have enough gold to hoard as much as they can. The Court of Roses can be found in any lush and verdant land, deep within the thick jungles and fertile forests. Members of the Court of Roses often value nature and beauty above all else. The majority are of a creative nature, finding peace within art and gardening. You can find the most glorious landscapers and artists here within the Court of Roses.




Many things were destroyed by The Fall, but the most devastating was the destruction of the Mahtim xe Mahík, the Mother of Magic. It was the the heart of Xandara, and the vessel of power. When it split into the six pieces, now scattered across the courts, something was released that shocked many within the Court of Roses. It was the elemental spirits of water, wind, earth, fire, and light. At first the spirits were weak and frail, putting much risk to the Aether of Nature. This is because their life forces are intertwined, meaning if the crystal breaks, the spirits perish, and if the spirits are destroyed, the magic of nature goes with it. The Court of Roses made it their mission to hide the spirits from the other courts, and protect them with their lives. They were successful for many generations, until a dangerously ambitious group from the Court of Veils discovered the fire spirit, and wanted to use its energy for powering their science. When the Court of Roses discovered the spirit missing, they searched tirelessly, but to no avail. Then on the darkest night of the year, a wave of energy was suddenly released across the globe. To outsiders, it seemed like a random occurrence, but the Court of Roses could feel the death of the fire spirit as its essence passed over them. They grieved into the night, their wails echoing across the forests until their sorrow turned to rage. They followed the origin of the blast and found themselves at the gates of the Court of Veils. Without hesitation, they attacked, desperate for revenge and blinded by fury, but they couldn't compete with their weapons. Fleeing back to their forests and jungles, they prepared for a war that would last for centuries. The consequences of the fire spirit's death wasn't just conflict, it was also the use of its magic. Fire became incredibly unstable and dangerous, the magic unpredictable and barely controllable. It forced many to go back to old ways, lighting torches and campfires with flint or wood instead. After a devastating accident of someone attempting to use the magic and creating a massive forest fire, the elders decided to ban its use, and stopped teaching the magic to new generations. Within the centuries that followed, the magic of fire was extinguished entirely, but the war raged on.




The Court of Roses is governed by a single Monarch who is chosen at birth and raised by the Council of Elders. They are taught everything about the court, including their history, traditions, laws, and magic. The Council of Elders is a group of five individuals that were chosen by the spirits. They are the only beings capable of communicating with them, and act as a bridge between the spirits and the people. The Council of Elders use their gifts to advise the Monarch and provide support to the citizens of the court. They are also responsible for governing the Court of Roses when a Monarch passes before the new Monarch is found and raised. Monarchs are chosen by the Alraune, one of the most sacred races within the court. They are considered pure because they are born from nature itself, and since their hearts provide longevity when consumed, it is tradition for the Alraune that chooses the Monarch to sacrifice its life to provide the new leader with a longer lifespan. Because of such a sacrifice, they choose the successor very carefully, and rarely make mistakes in doing so.


Races within the

Court of Roses



Bound to the magic they were born into, players who choose a race within the Court of Roses will only be able to learn the Aether of Nature during their storyline.

Non Playable

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