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Admin Rules

Admins have rules too, if you see an admin not following these rules, please clip or screenshot the evidence so actions can be taken, thank you for helping keep our server fun.


~No Favoritism 

Admins are allowed to have/make friends, but as soon as they use their power to benefit a friend they will be in serious trouble

No abuse of admin codes

This is pretty self explanatory, use of certain admin codes without permission will not be tolerated. Spawning things in for self, destroying or taking property of players without legitimate reason, or just overall bullying others with codes will result in immediate ban.

No use of admin rifle unless demolishing abandoned structures

Taking out the admin rifle to kill a player, dino, or structure out of spite, conflict, or fun will NOT be tolerated.

Be Professional

Being an admin is a big responsibility, and requires a mature attitude when handling administrative tasks. Do not speak inappropriately to server members. Admins are here to serve and enrich the experience for the players who join us. As the server owner, I expect my admin team to show respect and be humble, and to deal with problematic players maturely.

Alt Character must be known to public and is not allowed to have a position of power (with the exception of teaching magic, an RP based profession)

We encourage our admins to have one alt character so that they may relax and enjoy playing the game with the other players. These alt characters will have limits as to prevent unfairness and promote peace. These characters are not allowed positions of power such as kings, queens, advisors, or any other form of leadership, and as an obvious rule, are not allowed to use codes of ANY kind. If discovered that codes are being used, the alt character will be banned. The only exception these characters are allowed when it comes to leadership is being a teacher of Magic, as this is an RP profession and admins will need to regulate player progress anyway.

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