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Welcome to


The Exodus Servers


RP, Quests,
Jobs, and More!


Overview of Exodus

Image by Krisjanis Mezulis

How Xandara Came To Be...

Every world has a beginning, though not all share the same story. Xandara's story began three years ago, first born from a simple idea, then nurtured into a world that slowly blossomed under the use of Ark's platform. Over time, under many different server creations, the planet's true destiny came into light. With each use of this world came new understandings and discoveries of its potential, and finally, after three years, it is more developed than ever before. Its creator, Megan (hazelrise), continuously improved and refined her ideas until it was ready to share with others once more.


The Vision of Exodus


After the creation of Xandara came its designed purpose- Exodus. There were many different concepts on how Exodus would be created, but after months of deliberating and experimentation, the path became clear. The creator wanted a server unlike any other, where players could not only experience a great story, but be its driving force. She also wanted the players to feel and see the connection the story would have on impacting the world around them. So as players go throughout their journey, they will see the consequences of their choices reflecting on the server in real time. In order to have that connection however, players would need to be immersed on a deeper level when it comes to the server. Therefore, the developer designed a system that would give individual attention to each player, creating personalized stories and interactions, which would allow everyone the ability to enjoy Exodus' intricacies. Aside from personalized storylines, here are the main aspects that summarize the vision of Exodus:

Character Creation

The creator knew that in any RPG, the first excitement is over creating your character, so they wanted to give players something they could truly be excited about. Therefore, Exodus offers 54 different races to choose from, many of which are original creations by the developer herself. They are all divided within 6 different Courts, which players can take a personality quiz for in order to find which one suits them (or their desired character) best. 


Engram Rework

To add a greater challenge on Exodus, XP gain is drastically reduced. Since players will level much slower, the dev decided to rework the engram system on the server. She rearranged the levels required for most tools, saddles, and build so that there's less restriction when trying to progress. Basic metal tools are available by level 10, low tier dino saddles are available between levels 2-20, and all thatch/wood/stone structures will unlock by level 25. She didn't stop there though. She also reworked a lot of the crafting costs for these engrams. Basic metal tools no longer require ingots, just raw metal, and rustic buildings no longer require raw metal, instead needing thatch, fiber, and wood. Those are just the basic changes, other alterations have been made to make the engrams more enjoyable, but those changes can be discovered by playing on the server. 



Including magic in our server was a risky decision (given Ark's lack thereof), but the creator decided it was a necessary choice. Magic is Xandara's very life force. It breathes in every living and non-living thing. Any and all magic on this world is divided by six categories-







These six cores of magic are what keep balance within Xandara, but they are divided by much more than their form. They are also divided by Court. You can learn more about that here. As the developer of Exodus created its story, she realized that magic was not just important to the life of the planet, but to the people that call it home, which in turn effects the players. Rather than eliminating the concept of magic, or mass restriction of it, the creator instead designed a system that will allow players the ability to learn and harness magic throughout their story.


Reputation and Infamy

In order to create a more immersive world, the developer designed a system that would reflect the player's choices in a more immediate fashion. Thus, reputation and infamy ranks were added to the server. According to the actions of the player, their reputation would either increase or decrease. This could be as simple as completing or failing a quest. The most influential effect on reputation is by interacting with NPC's. This means that all NPC interactions are recorded and used to add or subtract to a player's reputation. However, this impacts their story in a major way. Players will come across various story checkpoints and quests that will demand a specific reputation rank to accept, along with NPC's that will only interact if ranks are high enough. Therefore, if a player's rank is too low at a certain point in their story, they will need to complete small quests and have positive NPC interactions in order to rank up so that they may continue. On the other scale, some NPC's will only interact with players with Infamy rank. This only happens when a reputation score hits negative, automatically making the player a wanted fugitive. Those particular NPC's give Infamous Quests, which often reap larger rewards but at a riskier cost. 


Modified PvP

Every RP server owner knows that in order for it to be realistic and immersive, PvP must be enabled, but there are many risks in doing so. That is why the creator of Exodus went the extra mile to design solid rules and create genuine safe zones within the server using mods. A detailed list of the rules can be visited here. The modded safe zones will not allow combat of any kind and are stationed around every major city within Xandara. This gives players a peace of mind when trading at city markets, or simply sitting afk when needed.


Citizen Life

The creator wanted to develop a system that gives players a goal when not engaging in quests or their storyline. Sometimes we just want to sit back and play the game, and this will allow players to do so. A more detailed rundown is given on the discord, but we will summarize it here. Since the Six Courts rule over Xandara, players will not have the ability to rule their own kingdoms. However, they will still have an impact on their home Court's economical success. Each court has their own government system, but will rely on the people for strength and growth. This is where the player's come in. The main cities are the only builds on the server, so it will be up to the players to put more locations on the map. Their goal will be to build cities and establish trade. There are five tiers they will have to go through in order to progress, these are:






When the player's reach the final requirements needed to become a city, the admins will make their location a safe zone. While this may give them more peace of mind, cities are expensive to keep. All build tiers will have a weekly tax that players will have to pay in order to keep their title, but every time they reach a new tier, all players and tribes involved are given generous rewards on their Court's behalf.


Eternal Bonds

When playing Ark, players have never really been able to fully love or connect with a tame, because there was always a chance it would die, never to be seen again. The developer herself has lost many dear tames, and mourned over their losses. That is why she decided to create Eternal Bonds. When the bond is formed, it is as if all time comes to a stop, and all you can hear, see, and feel is the creature before you. The tame becomes bonded to the player, and the player to it, forever. If it were to ever die, the admins would respawn it, thus creating an eternal bond. This opens many doors with RP, and allows players to fully connect with certain tames. Eternal Bonds are always spayed/neutered, but can be colored however the owner wants.


There are so many more aspects of Exodus that make it a truly unique experience, but it's far easier to just see for yourself! Check out all the other pages on the website to learn more and to begin your adventure. If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message here on the website or on the discord! The creator has spent countless hours, days, months, and even years creating Exodus. She is incredibly excited to finally share with you her vision, and hope that you will come to love Xandara as much as she does. So welcome to Exodus!


Xandara is waiting...

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