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Court of Veils

Curators of Energy




Nothing matters more to the citizens of Veils than knowledge and high status among their society. To them, money is nothing more than a miniscule resource, and the amount one possesses has no effect on who are considered to be "rich". Instead, wealth is measured by accomplishments such as success within the university, published inventions, profound discoveries, and other contributions to the advancement of the Court. Since money is of little consequence, property and all manner of comfort is provided, though the finer luxuries are given to those with the most accomplishments. Those particular citizens are referred to as the Entitled, while the less adept being commonly known as the Underclass. The highest class of this society holds the brightest minds Xandara has seen, with the most intelligent serving as government. For this reason, pursuing knowledge is the only objective. It is the source of their greatest pride, and their greatest shame. Failure is part of knowledge, as it is the only true way to succeed. However, certain failures are strongly looked down upon. These include things such as being expelled from the university, an invention hurting others, and breaking Court laws. Every family within the Court of Veils has a House Name, with their own unique seal. In addition, every House Name has its own level of Reputation. If a reputation is low enough, they would lose access to the generosity of the Court, forcing the family to work on the streets for food or lodging.



After The Fall devastated Xandara, and the Divide split its people, those who founded the Court of Veils realized there was only one way to rebuild and advance civilization. Using the Aether of Energy and the power of their combined intellect, they discovered a way to combine science with magic, creating technology that would aid them in becoming one of the most powerful Courts in the new age. Over time however, tensions began to rise between the Courts, particularly between Veils and the Court of Roses. Industrial revolution doesn't come without its consequences, but the impact wasn't towards the Court of Veils themselves, but rather the planet they were unintentionally harming. The more they expanded their civilization, the more forests and animals suffered, which caused unrelenting rage amongst the citizens of the Court of Roses. War soon broke out, but the Court of Veils was far stronger. Without any other choice, the Court of Roses fled to another realm, but that didn't stop them from terrorizing the Court of Veils any chance they got. Soon after, the Court of Veils decided to close their borders, and refused to trade any of their technologies again, though it was too late. The blueprints to their old inventions had already been spread to the other Courts, giving them the ability to make it themselves. The current technology within the Court of Veils is unknown to all outsiders, but they know that nothing will stop these Curators of Energy from progressing.



The Court of Veils runs on a geniocracy system. This means that the government is run by what the citizens deem to be the smartest individuals in their Court. They are chosen based on their amount or quality of accomplishments, which means they are almost always famously known people. The council that these individuals sit within is called The Collective. They are responsible for all major Court decisions. The Collective traditionally holds six seats, with a lower branch of officials sitting beneath them called Stems. The Stems traditionally seat twelve individuals. They are responsible for overseeing various sections of the Court, with one of them being the law enforcement. 


Races Within The Court of Veils



Bound to the magic they were born into, players who choose a race within the Court of Veils will only be able to learn the Aether of Energy during their storyline.

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