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"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly..."

This race originated in one of the faraway lands of Xandara called Everalis. Their appearances led many other races to believe the Aarakocra to be born from Argentavis, and they weren’t far off. After generations of breeding, their race became split in two. Some were born with great wings that allowed them to soar above the clouds while the other half were born flightless, with no wings to lift them into the sky. Those flightless humanoids preferred to spend their days in the pursuit of knowledge, keeping their beaks in books so their eyes wouldn’t wander to the sky. Aarakocra have incredible eyesight that can scope prey from miles away, and speed in the air that rivals the Aerovian in the best of ways. The Aarakocra reside in the Court of Virtues, and represent the virtue of Honesty within. This is due to the race's inability to lie. They are known for being incredibly blunt and unfeeling towards the emotions of others, and instead value truth and honor above all things.


Their appearance includes a wide range of colored feathers based on breed, bird-like head with intelligent eyes, those with wings have them attached on their back with more human type arms, their hands are roughly textured with 5 fingers, bird-like feet with some having sharp talons.


Race Classification: Royal 


Life Span: 440 Years


Court Symbol:

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