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Court of Riches







The heart of the Court of Riches beats with gold and greed, and those that carry both hold all the power. While traditional hierarchies are distinguished by nobility or blood, those that rule within the Court of Riches gained their standing by the power of possession. Though the rich have strong voices within the court, they are not the force that governs. Gold is the true ruler here, and it is the only language those in this court understand.  

While their Court represents the Aether of Alchemy, most members within the Court of Riches don’t pay it much attention. Because of this, their magic is incredibly rare within Xandara, as it has become massively underused. The Court members are so focused on gaining property and obtaining riches that they have neglected to learn the very magic they represent. They see little to no point in seeking such knowledge when all the power they truly desire lies in the amount of gold in their pockets. 


While little is known about life before The Fall, the way of life the Court of Riches has come to know in present day has been widely influenced by the presence of Genies. When The Divide began, and the Court of Riches founded, the first members were tasked with reviving the economy throughout Xandara. After settling within their region of Ered Luin, a young dwarf discovered an ancient artifact resting within the depths of a nearby cave. Inside lived a Genie, a Dao in particular by the name of Xjin, who unwillingly pledged temporary servitude to its new owner until all his greatest wishes were fulfilled. Using his newfound power in secret, the young Dwarf made great strides in creating resource tradelines and establishing the first markets to stretch across Ered Luin. As the wealth began rising, the Dwarf gained high status among the Court, but when his Dao servant was discovered, the other members became jealous, with some even going mad with greed. The young Dwarf was killed in his sleep not long after, and the Genie was forced to serve under a new master. Xjin served many beings in the centuries that followed, but not before expanding the wealth of the Court of Riches exponentially. To this day, twelve Genies are known to be used within the Court, with their owners holding immense power and status. Some use their omnipotent servant to enslave others in order to work their trades, some use them to grant wishes or protect themselves, while others simply use them as showcase trophies to maintain their towering rank within the Court.  





The Court of Riches relies on a plutocracy government system. Those who hold the most riches hold the most power, but gold isn’t the only measurement of wealth. Fortune is found in property, whether that be in jewels, land, resources, or people. From small settlements to grand cities, everything functions by trade. If you have nothing to give, you have nothing to gain. While gold is the main currency within Xandara, many within the Court of Riches use their property as currency. Those who own the most, own the court.  


{The Court of Riches is the only court where players have the opportunity to rule or have control}



Bound to the magic they were born into, players who choose a race within the Court of Riches will only be able to learn the Aether of Alchemy during their storyline.


Court Races

dwarf merchent.png
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