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Whispers in the wind travel of the Court of Souls, with rumors spreading and stories being told of who they are and what they do. There are so many different renditions, but what is the truth...? Those who call this court home hold that secret, as its what their very survival depends upon. They believe it is better for outsiders to know as little as possible, in order to protect their way of life, but nothing stays hidden for forever... 


The Court of Souls is a very nomadic court, preferring to rely on the land around them rather than the technology constantly advancing around the world. They keep to themselves, though that's what they prefer. Because of this, they have extremely tight communities, where everyone knows each other's business, but they love and rely on each other like family. Those within this court go to great lengths to be self sufficient so that they rarely, if ever, have to rely on other courts for resources. Instead of using the world markets, they will have trading seasons of their own, where tribes across the court come together to celebrate and trade goods. They will often travel by large caravans, never staying in one place for too long out of fear of being found by sinister intentions. Since they are almost constantly on the move, they have had to learn to adapt their survival, learning to grow crops on the roof of wagons and protect their traveling tribe from packs of ravenous creatures. The people of the Court of Souls are deeply connected to the realm of the spiritual, and are capable of seeing the faint traces of people's auras. They are also very adept with understanding emotions, to the point of being capable of becoming enchanting empaths.




Long ago, when the Fall began and billions of people were lost, those that survived wondered who was luckier? Those that died, or those that had to witness the death, pain, and grief of seeing a broken world? It was a question many asked themselves as they decided to divide once again. While the other courts were focused on using their Aether's magic to build their civilizations, those that chose the Court of Souls had one greatest thing in common- they feared magic above all else. After seeing the horrors of what it can do in the wrong hands, they decided to rid themselves of magic altogether. They took their Soul Aether and hid in the icy mountains of the farthest land they could reach, hoping that they could live in solitude and away from the dangers of magic users, but that wish was naïve. As the centuries passed and the other courts grew, they eventually expanded to every continent of the world. The first to find the Court of Souls were the Court of Shadows, and with such a vulnerable and magicless civilization before them, the leader of darkness couldn't resist temptation. They attacked in the night in search of the Soul Aether, but at the cost of many lives, the nomads were able to escape. They have been on the run ever since, always moving to avoid being found, and fearing the darkness so only traveling during the day. They have managed to evade the Court of Shadows this long, but the elders fear that it is only by their enemy's design.





The Court of Souls doesn't have a mass form of government, and instead run by individualized tribes. Each tribe has a chief leader who is commonly accompanied by a council of elders who offer advice and wisdom. Almost every tribe has a soothsayer who is capable of using their spiritual abilities to predict possible dangers, and often use this to guide the tribe on where to travel next.

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The Court of Souls

Protectors of Spirit


Races Within the

Court of Souls

Non Playable



Bound to the magic they were born into, players who choose a race within the Court of Souls will only be able to learn the Aether of Spirit during their storyline.

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