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Sunrise over Mountains

Arctic Elf

"They say blood is thicker than water, but I say ice, it can be more solid than blood, when times get cold."

The variation of elves differs to the extent of the elements that formed Xandara's very core, though, that is not why these elves are labeled as such. Thousands of years ago, in the age of the Primordials, a large group of High Elves set their sights North, to what is now known as, in search of what may lie beyond its icy peaks. Not long after their departure, a series of natural events plagued Xandara, and the group was never to be seen again. Thousands of years later, many generations after the fact, an expedition lead by the Scorched Elves, much to their dismay, lead them to discover a small village within the peaks. Had it not been for this discovery, the Scorched elves too, would have perished. It is thought the settlements found within the glacial caps are of the same group that vanished all those years ago. Today, Arctic Elves provide seasoned travelers with a safe place to warm their hands and dry their cloaks within deathly low temperatures. Typically, elves are self-righteous in that they know they hold power within their veins, or once did, leading to arrogance. The separation gave the Arctic elves the lesson of humility, where they no longer view their lives importance over others, and humbly offer acceptance in times of need to those crossing their lands.


Their appearance:

Similar to a High Elf, the Arctic Elf's beauty can only be compared to other elves. However, they do not use their appearance as a tool nor see themselves as a higher power; unlike many other elves. Due to the climate in which they were established, Arctic Elves carry very fair skin, often times appearing white or luminescent in the sunlight, similar to snow. Their hair varies from icy white, to light shades of blue resembling the ice of glaciers.  


Race Classification: Uncommon


Life Span: 400 Years


Court Symbol:






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