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Beach at Sunset


"Brute strength isn't enough to survive in Xandara. One must master a certain finesse, and what better master of finesse is there than felines?"

Tabaxi are very swift and cunning creatures. They are feline humanoids that specialize in stealth and combat. Unlike their Leonin cousins, the Tabaxi have many different feline appearances. These range from cheetah, leopard, panther, tiger, lynx, cougar, and jaguar. The Tabaxi are very intelligent and crafty, which makes them very formidable opponents. Their predator-like abilities give them an advantage in the wild, and they enjoy hunting various dinos for sport. The Tabaxi enjoy challenging their skills, and will test them often by killing rexes with nothing but their weapons and wit. While the Tabaxi are not as large as their Leonin cousins, they make up for it with speed and agility. While the majority of the Court of Souls are more secretive and cautious, the Tabaxi are known for being outgoing and fearless spirits. 


The appearance of the Tabaxi typically includes natural colored furs with patterns reflecting their feline subspecies, sharp teeth, a feline face/ears with a more human-like body shape walking on two legs, long or short tails, sharp claws, and cat eyes with colors ranging from blues, greens, yellows, browns, and reds.


Race Classification: Common


Life Span: 345 Years


Court Symbol:

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