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"Nothing is really ever lost to us, as long as we remember it."

The Akel, also known as the Blue-Bloods, are a highly intelligent and sophisticated race of human-like beings in Xandara. Their veins and arteries are filled with a unique, blue-colored blood, giving them the bluish tint to their skin. This blood has been discovered to have strange magical properties, that gives them enhanced abilities. Some believe they were genetically modified humans before the Fall, but no one knows the truth. The Akel possess an incredible memory, and can retain vast amounts of information from their birth until their death. They have the ability to recall even the smallest of details with ease, and their impressive memory makes them experts in many fields of study, including history, literature, and science. Their incredible ability to retain information has helped the Court of Veils to build an advanced society. They are known for their advancements in technology and magic, and have created many inventions and magical artifacts that are coveted by other courts. They are also excellent storytellers and historians, passing down their knowledge and culture from generation to generation, and are typically the writers to every history book in the Court of Veils. Despite their incredible memory, the Akel are not without their flaws. They can become overwhelmed by the amount of information they hold, and their memories can sometimes become jumbled or confused as they get older. They can also become too focused on preserving their knowledge, leading to isolation and constant writing of their thoughts so that they don't ever lose the truth of their memories.


The appearance of the Aasimar is similar to that of humans, though their skin is tinted blue with various colors of hair both natural and unnatural. Their eyes are almost always some shade of blue, and their ears are round.


Race Classification: Uncommon


Life Span: 400 Years


Court Symbol:











Please Note: Finding character art for this race is difficult, but the server owner can edit a character to have blue skin if you ask.

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