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"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of the oceans."

These aquatic shape-shifters are a mysterious and elusive race of beings in the world of Xandara, known for their ability to transform into various aquatic creatures. They are said to be descendants of an ancient oceanic race, and have a deep connection to the sea and its creatures. Unlike other shape-shifting races, the aquatic shape-shifters can only transform into aquatic creatures, such as dolphins, whales, sharks, and other sea creatures. They are most at home in the ocean, and have developed a complex and sophisticated culture centered around oceanic lifestyles. Aquanians are highly intelligent and value knowledge above all else. They have developed a rich mythology and history, and are known for their extensive libraries and archives of oceanic lore. Despite their deep connection to the sea, they are highly adaptable and can thrive in both aquatic and land-based environments. They have developed unique technologies and techniques for exploring and navigating both the ocean depths and the land. Due to their love of knowledge and their mastery of oceanic skills, aquanians are highly sought after as advisors and experts in matters related to the sea. They are also valued for their shape-shifting abilities, which can be used for both defense and offense. With their skills in the water, they have little to fear, except for those who remain in their shifted form for too long. Their minds will become confused and even lost, and when attempting to shift back, they can become deformed, looking like a humanoid version of their water counterpart.


Their appearance:

The Aquanians are easily distinctive by their blue/green tones of skin and white hair, (due to lack of pigmentation). Their eye colors range from yellows to blue and greens, with their ears being pointed and sometimes even fin-like. 


Race Classification: Uncommon


Life Span: 360 Years


Court Symbol:






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