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Light Elf

"All of Xandara connects in countless strings of light, a slithering radiance that swims beneath the soil, coiling around the roots and stretching through the trees. Only we have the power to protect it."

Light elves have a higher sensitivity to the light within Xandara. This is because when they're born, a piece of Xandara's light latches onto their soul. The light that resides within them gives these elves a natural attunement to elemental type magic. However, they will typically never use their gifts in ways that would harm others. They prefer peace and living in relaxing settings. They believe combat to be below them, and that acting violently is shameful, for it goes against the light they hold so dear. It is widely believed that killing a Light Elf brings upon a lifetime curse blacker than the abyss of the darkest cavern... This is because when a Light Elf dies, a piece of Xandara's light goes with them, thus leaving behind a little more darkness. Their race holds a very important part of Xandara's balance.


The appearance of light elves typically include lighter colors of hair (blonde and white), natural colored skin tones, short and slender body frames, pointed ears that go outwards, with eye colors typically centered around blues, greens, and reds.


Race Category: Ancient


Life Span: 350 Years


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