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Image by Karsten Würth


"It isn't until the bees swarm that the thief regrets taking the honey."

Goblins are a small race, but they are well known for short tempers, sardonic tendencies, satirical demeanors, and unmatchable greed. Because of their more negative characteristics, almost all of the other races consider them to be a nuisance. Finding it hard to stray from their evil nature, most goblins came to accept it. Despite their ill natures however, they are extremely hard workers, capable of doing a job faster than most other races, helping them make a lot of money. Leaders within goblin clans often came to power through betrayal or aggression, and often take sadistic pleasure in exacting revenge when crossed. While it is extremely uncommon, there are goblins who have turned away from evil, though it was met with great difficulty. Overcoming their short fuses and sense of greed made it trying for those to act altruistically. If that wasn't challenging enough, they also had to overcome the cultural influence set by their evil brethren, but those who succeeded often found it to be more rewarding, in the long run at least, to serve good instead of evil. Since it is common for goblins to be bullied by bigger, stronger races, they have taught themselves means to survive. They learned to exploit what few advantages they may have: sheer numbers, malicious ingenuity, or even stronger tames. The concept of a fair fight became meaningless to them. They grew to favor ambushes, overwhelming odds, dirty tricks, and any other edge they could devise.  Despite their negative instincts, goblins remain brilliant, witty, and incredibly capable creatures, but what many do not take the chance to learn, is that of a goblin's loyalty. When such a rarity is given by a goblin, it is something that overwhelms all their evil traits. If you possessed the loyalty of a goblin, all the gold or jewels in the world could not persuade them to betray you. Though you may still be met with grouchiness and sarcasm, goblins continue to be some of the greatest friends you could acquire in Xandara.


The appearance of goblins include different shades of green skin, short bodies, very long pointed ears that can either point up, out, or downwards, hair colors ranging from green, black, or brown, and large eyes with snake-like irises with eye colors ranging from yellows and reds.


Race Classification: Common


Life Span: 300 Years


Court Symbol:

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