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Green Fields


"With every deed your are sewing a seed, though the harvest you may not see."

The firbolg are a gentle and nature-loving race that dwell in the forests and hills of Xandara. They are known for their skills with farming and their mastery of herbology. They are also very skilled with livestock, and are master shepherds with cows, ovis, and horses. They have a deep connection to the planet, and are able to coax bountiful harvests from even the most barren soil. They also have a profound understanding of the healing properties of plants, and are able to infuse them with powerful magic to create potent remedies and elixirs. The firbolg live in small communities that are centered around their farms and gardens. They build their homes from natural materials like wood and stone, and decorate them with vines and flowers. They are a peaceful people, and have little interest in war or conquest. Instead, they prefer to tend their crops and tend to the sick and injured. The firbolg are also deeply spiritual, and are often seen worshiping the elemental spirits, asking in prayer to enhance their magic so that they can be more efficient in their skills. They hold elaborate ceremonies and rituals to honor these deities. Despite the Firbolg’s peaceful nature, they are not defenseless. They are skilled hunters and archers, and are able to defend themselves and their homes from threats both natural and supernatural. They also have a powerful magic that they use to protect their lands and their people. To the firbolg, the land is sacred. They view themselves as caretakers and guardians of whatever ground they walk upon, and believe that it is their duty to live in harmony with nature. They are a people of great compassion and wisdom, and those who seek their aid will find them to be generous and kind-hearted.


Their appearance includes a wide range of natural colored fur, with males having long well maintained luxurious manes often used to boost their status or dominance over other males. Their eyes can range from any color, and their size towers with males standing an average of seven feet tall, with females typically around six feet.


Race Classification: Common


Life Span: 415 Years


Court Symbol:

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