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Mount Fuji


"Who could ever learn to love a beast?"

Known to be unlawfully attractive, the Succubus and its male counterpart, the Incubus, are a demonic race that feed on other’s life force to sustain their own life through sexual activities. Succubi/Incubi are found all across Xandara and take on many appearances, making it nearly impossible to distinguish one within a crowd. These beings are well known for their power over the mind, and are natural masters of illusion glamour and seduction. They are capable of putting a veil of magic over their bodies, hiding their true form while also being able to change what others perceive them to be. This allows them to change their form to further lure their prey, showing them their greatest fantasy or most ideal sexual partner. However, this veil disintegrates as soon as they begin feeding, revealing their natural demonic exterior for all to see. Because of their daily need to feed, it is most common to find these demons within brothels or erotic parties hosted by the rich. Despite their lustful way of living, the Succubi/Incubi are capable of incredible love. Since it is impossible for these demons to feed on each other, they are more inclined to find love within their own race. This is because loving someone they feed on makes it painful to feed. In order to feed and/or reproduce, these beings place their targets into a state of ecstasy that paralyzes all their senses aside from pleasure. Because they cannot reproduce with each other, the Succubus are forced to conceive with other races, though their offspring will always be Succubus or Incubus regardless of whom they mated with. 


The appearance of the Succubi/Incubi changes depending on the veil of magic they put over themselves, however, their true form consists of bat like wings (not all have them), razor sharp talons, glowing red or yellow eyes, natural or red skin tones, and long red tails with a pointed arrow-like end.


Race Classification: Lesser​


Life Span: 350 Years


Court Symbol:

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