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Image by Clint McKoy

Dunmer Elf

"Do not fear the darkness, fear what lies within."

The Dunmer Elves are often mistook for ghosts roaming in the shadows, but they might as well be. With agility greater than any other elf, and incredible eyesight in the dark, the Dunmer Elves use the shadows to their advantage. Because of these abilities, they are commonly used by the Court of Shadows as assassins or scouts. In the past few hundred years, the Oni have manipulated this race into being their personal slaves. The Dunmer Elves have always been considered the lowest species by elf standards, and have had to fight to survive for as long as they can remember. With the promise of luxury, recognition, and power, the Oni created magic binding contracts with the Dunmer for their unwavering obedience in return. So now their lives are barely their own, as they are selectively bred and engineered to do the Court of Shadow's bidding. While it has been engraved in their mind since birth to be compliant to the demands of their superiors, the Dunmer naturally have proud and ambitious spirits, but the challenge of breaking this spirit has been the ongoing pleasure of the Oni.


The appearance of the Dunmer Elves include various skin tones of grey, blue, or purple, with bright glowing eyes and black or white sclera. It is common for these elves to have long eyebrows that exceed the width of their face, with very long pointy ears and either really dark or really light hair colors.


Race Classification: Royal​


Life Span: 400 Years


Court Symbol:

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